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Create temporary account

Home Create temporary account

Only students who recieved the University ID code from the Unversity via e-mail can create the temporary account.
Incoming students who do not have an IGC IT center account are able to apply for very first semester's check-in with a temporary account.
Those students have to integrate IT Center account when their official IGC accounts are issued.

Major information


Major join information
University code

Please enter the university code sent via your email.


SUNY: Reference/Application Number (1 letter+9 digits / Should start with "S") ex) S123456789
GMUK: G-Number (1 letter+8 digits / Should start with "G") ex) G12345678
UAC: Student Number (1 letter+7 digits / Should start with "U") ex) U1234567
GUGC: Application Number (2 letters+8 digits / Should start with "GU") ex) GU12345678


Use 8-12 characters mix letters with numbers.

Confirm Password
Verification question to find account

Please select a verification question.

Answer to the verification question

Please enter the answer for the verification question without any space.

Full Name in English

Without any space

Full Name in Korean
Email Address @ Duplicate check

Additional information

account number
Mobile Phone Number