Home Create temporary account
Only students who recieved the University ID code from the Unversity via e-mail can create the temporary account. Incoming students who do not have an IGC IT center account are able to apply for very first semester's check-in with a temporary account. Those students have to integrate IT Center account when their official IGC accounts are issued.
Major information
Please enter the university code sent via your email.
SUNY: Reference/Application Number (1 letter+9 digits / Should start with "S") ex) S123456789 GMUK: G-Number (1 letter+8 digits / Should start with "G") ex) G12345678 UAC: Student Number (1 letter+7 digits / Should start with "U") ex) U1234567 GUGC: Application Number (2 letters+8 digits / Should start with "GU") ex) GU12345678
Use 8-12 characters mix letters with numbers.
Please select a verification question.
Please enter the answer for the verification question without any space.
Without any space
Additional information